The International Journal of Technical Communication (The IJTC) is an independent publication launched in May 2024 as a joint initiative of the ISTC, ASTC, and TechCommNZ. It contains articles by and of interest to Technical Communicators.

ISTC, ASTC, and TechCommNZ members are provided with full access to the site as well as email newsletters when new content is available.

About the ISTC

The Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) is the largest UK body representing information development professionals. It promotes better scientific and technical communication by:

  • Encouraging professional development
  • Sharing best practices and standards
  • Providing research resources
  • Providing networking opportunities for its members and industry affiliates
  • Promoting technical communication as a profession
  • Continuing professional development (CPD)

ISTC members come from virtually every industry and area of society within the UK, as well as internationally, who all need to communicate complex or important information effectively.


About the ASTC

The Australian Society for Technical Communication (ASTC) is a not-for-profit association working to promote and support technical communication in the Australasian region and to provide networking and learning opportunities for our members.

Our members come from all different fields and industries and have a huge range of knowledge and experience. We help members by providing information, an Events Calendar, networking, support, job advertisements, and professional development opportunities.


About TechCommNZ

The Technical Communicators Association of New Zealand (TechCommNZ) seeks to:

  • Provide ongoing support and professional development for technical communicators in New Zealand
  • Maintain and extend a collegial network for members
  • Gain wider recognition of the role of technical communication in New Zealand organisations
  • Foster strong relationships with tertiary training providers of technical communication in New Zealand.

Our members are typically involved in producing online or paper-based documentation, instructional videos, screencasts, interactive training resources, and other information design products.


Social Media

We are available on social media via these accounts:

RSS Feed

You can set up your RSS Reader to keep up-to-date with all the articles on IJTC by using this address: